Igbo Mask
Mmwo Mask
Late 19th Century, Early 20th Century
Over 100 years
Private Collection Midwest, United States
Toby and Barry Hecht Collection, Maryland
James Stephenson
“Hair in African Art and Culture.” Roy Sieber and Frank Herreman, Museum of African Art, Prestol 2000 #62
“Eastern Nigerian Art from the Toby and Barry Hecht Collection,” Introduction Roy Sieber
Invention and Tradition: The Art of Eastern Nigeria Fig. 62
Tribal Art Magazine. Volume XXX Spring, 2002, 74
“Hair in African Art and Culture.”
Museum of African Art, NYC, February 9 -May, 2000
Apex Museum, Atlanta Georgia, June 20, August, 2000
Stanford University. Iris and B Gerald Canter Center, October 4- December 31 2000
Charles Wright Museum of African- American History, Detroit, Michigan, February 8- April 15 2001
California African – American Museum, Los Angelos, May 15 – August 2001
Diggs Gallery, Winsten- Salem State University, September 15 – December 2001
Smith Robinson Museum and Cultural Center, Jackson, January 8 – March 2001
Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington, Indiana, May 28 – July, 2002
DuSable Museum of African American History, Chicago, March 2003
Price on Request
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